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Prosperity Anonymous

Masterminding For Success

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Prosperity Anonymous


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Considering the power of being able to be part of a successful team, Zig Ziglar said, "You can get everything in life you want, if you help enough other people get what they want." This statement is echoed by Mark Victor Hansen who said, "One plus one doesn't equal two. It becomes the power of eleven."

Problem-solving becomes a powerful function of the Prosperity Anonymous group. When faced by a seemingly insurmountable obstacle, the group can help you come up with many possible solutions or alternative routes to solve your specific challenge. Very few challenges can survive a wide variety of options. Twenty possible solutions will defeat most any obstacle.

Enjoy saving stress, time, wasted effort and cash by accepting the feedback from your Prosperity Anonymous team members. That's what they are there for.

They are also there for emotional support. When you're knee-deep in your personal project, it can be easy to find yourself burnt out, fearful or even depressed. With your teammates running alongside you, you will enjoy the chants of the cheerleaders on the sidelines as you overcome your challenges.

You enjoy all these benefits, as you offer the same to those within your group.

This is the power of the mastermind group.

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While our mission is relatively new, we can use all the help we can get. If you are a masterminding or prosperity anonymous member, please e-mail us. Alternatively, if you have uncovered a valuable online resource that you think would be of value to our users, then let us know, so that we can make it available to other users and visitors.


We will be adding an additional feature for all subscribers that includes a geographically designed business index that will help to promote your business to other members and searchable via the Internet. (Limit one business listing per subscriber.)


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We welcome your comments and suggestions. Please feel free to e-mail us and tell us what you would like to see, here on Prosperity Anonymous.

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