Prosperity Anonymous
Masterminding For Success
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Your participation is so valuable to the other members because you are able to look at their situation with a fresh set of eyes, from a different perspective.
It's easy to lose objectivity when you're up to your elbows in the daily grind of trying to achieve your goals, thus the value of participating in a mastermind group.
It is important to surround oneself with like-minded people. For instance, if your goal is to become independently wealthy, or self-employed, you may be surrounded by people who do not share your point-of-view and may believe your goals as wishful thinking or folly. Those people are not your support system. Your joining with others, who share your point of view, will help to motivate you toward success.
Each member brings to the table their own area(s) of expertise and specialized knowledge. Participation includes challenging each other, brainstorming, supporting each other surrounded by honesty, confidentiality, respect and compassion. This is not the place to boast or brag, it is the environment that can only be successful by being willing to be transparent and able to share the challenges you face that might be blocking your potential success.
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While our mission is relatively new, we can use all the help we can get. If you are a masterminding or prosperity anonymous member, please e-mail us. Alternatively, if you have uncovered a valuable online resource that you think would be of value to our users, then let us know, so that we can make it available to other users and visitors.
We will be adding an additional feature for all subscribers that includes a geographically designed business index that will help to promote your business to other members and searchable via the Internet. (Limit one business listing per subscriber.)
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We welcome your comments and suggestions. Please feel free to e-mail us and tell us what you would like to see, here on Prosperity Anonymous.
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